Marketinguses the Internetas a mediumof communication ortransmission channelof advertising.The sophisticationof ICT(seethe features ofWeb2.0)allows forpossibilities:
Identificationof the target,the use ofcookies customizationorconfigurationmessage
The announcerrefers to the companyplaced an orderforsupportto achieveand / orbroadcast a messagetowards atarget.Forthis poster,the communication policyis one of thefourpillarsof themarketing mix.It cantake actionssay
non-mediacommunication: aspublic relations, direct marketing,sponsorship,viral marketingexample.
Theinfluence of the media- providedto selectrelevantmessagesand media- is generallygeared towardsthose who buy(the consumer-buyer).However, otherindirect targetsareregularly referred to:
the consumeruser:one who willactuallyeat,use the product. the physician:one whois deemedable to adviseand /or influencethe buyer. distributor:media campaignsfor aproduct areforcing distributors toreference astrongproductoffers about(hard not tosell the productknown andsoughtby the consumer...)